Sunday, March 22, 2020

Your Stupid Anime Vs. American Animation Artical Essays

your stupid anime vs. american animation artical Letter #1 From: Information withheld Date: 10/01/2000 Subject: your stupid anime vs. american animation artical I think you're just some stupid, lifeless, overly proud american that couldn't know good animation if it bit 'im in the @$$! First off you're trying to compare disney to Toho, Pioneer, or any other japanese animation studio. And in response to your quest. about why a person can be entertained by 5 minutes of us animation but not anime ( your "question of simple logic for obsessed anime fans") is a simple question indeed. That's because American Animation is all slapstick comedy that has no plot what so ever! A person can't be entertained by 5 min. of anime because it has plot, and each episode flows together as a story. American animation is a story but not in-depth. Using "The Simpsons" as an example, It's a broken story of a family. It's funny, i won't deny that but i want in-depth plot, action, and good music in a show, not just cheap 30 min. laughs. And in response to your section on video quality, the reason for animes slightly bad video quality is because most animes people who don't really like anime see are shows that were relesed in japan in the 1980s or even the 1970s. DragonBall Z and Gundam Wing (two common animes that casual fans know) ended in 1993 (dbz) and the mid-80s (GW). So if the video quality is bad, the crappy american production studio is to blame. And finally, Japan didn't steal anime ideas from the american's piece of crap animation. Most were made mangas from old Japanese, Chinese, Korean, or even vietnamese legends. The newer Mecha animes were creations of a brilliant mind of a Japanese creator. So say hello to the average 12 year-old American, J-anime obsessed guy. P.S. Next time know the real fact before you write, not some 1819 "humorous drawings" crap. And next time you ever play any videogame think of your buddies in Japan. Letter #2 From:Information withheld Date: 10/04/2000 Subject: What are you talking about I think you must be completely out of your mind. American animation has zero to no character development. The reason it may seem that animes are "boring" or hard to understand is because of story and character development. The ONLY company that has any merit in American animation is Disney, and even they bother me. They only target children with their corny musicals and talking inanimate objects. The only American animation that has come out worth any praise whatsoever is "Tarzan." All other American animation is boring with no angles or artistic touches from the director. Anime's directors are true artists. They direct as they would a live action film. The action lines you referred to only exist if the movie has a low budget, not all animes have them. You obviously did not do your research before making these false statements about anime. The characters in anime are drawn much more realistically than the completely exaggerated human characters in American animation. You must take into consideration also the fact that anime is made with a much lower budget than American animation. The quality therefore is much more impressive when compared to the mediocre animation from America with a higher budget. The stories in anime are much more complicated and enthralling than ANYTHING AMERICAN ANIMATION HAS EVER DONE. You care about the characters and you watch the story develop. Even at first if there is a pattern in the episodes, the story begins to unfold slowly. When has American animation ever dealt with stories about religion or ever explored the human mind? NEVER. Anime is FAR, FAR, FAR superior to American animation in just about every way. P.S. If this is not to Marker Apenname directly, could the recipient please forward it to him. Thank you. John DeLucca Letter #3 From: Date: 11/24/2000 Subject: Anime vs American Animation (Comments) Dear Marker Apenname, I read your essay and found it interesting. I myself am an American citizen who enjoys anime very much and I've liked it since I was 3 years old. This I hope you find very interesting because it is associated with DISNEY. Back in 1985 when I was 3 years old.. Disney casted a japanese dubbed

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